Sustainable Swaps for your July 4th BBQ!

I love a good Barbeque! Having a BBQ with family and friends on July 4th is absolutely one of my favorite memories from growing up. There are also a couple pretty standard items that are at every BBQ. If you are looking to make your July 4th more sustainable this year, try swapping out oneContinue reading “Sustainable Swaps for your July 4th BBQ!”

5 DIY Sustainable Activities/Projects to do during Corona!

Corona and social distancing has really disrupted my normal activities and routines. In an effort to fight off the cabin fever here are 5 things that I have been doing while staying at home. Experiment with New Recipes: Oatmeal & Pasta w/ Vegan Cream Sauce Since I am currently back home living with family IContinue reading “5 DIY Sustainable Activities/Projects to do during Corona!”

Quick Post: Eating Less Meat

One of my goals to reduce my overall carbon footprint this year is to eat less meat. I won’t lie. I grew up eating meat, so transitioning away has been tough. I want to share a tip I have been using to get more meals out of the bacon I have been eating. Save theContinue reading “Quick Post: Eating Less Meat”